Kettlebell Bootcamp

Kettlebell training has been around since the days when the Roman Gladiators trained before combat. Shaped like a cannonball with a handle, kettlebell training is nowadays used by the American and Russian special operation forces to achieve unparalleled strength, agility, conditioning and stamina. It is suitable for both men and women of shapes and sizes, the weight of a Kettlebell starts at 8kg and that can be built up through progression making an increase in your personal fitness level.
6 weeks ongoing
Members €60 - €140 (1 to 3 days per wk) Non members €80 - €160 (1 to 3 days per wk)
Mornings 7 - 8am / Lunchtimes 12 - 1pm Opt1: Mon (1 day per wk) Opt 2: Wed & Fri (2 days per wk) / Opt 3: Mon, Wed & Fri (3 days per wk)
, Cardiff Lane